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golden763 06-19-2014 09:24 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
The car is at my g mas house and I'm staying at my other g mas in Anoka or I would have no problem sending a picture and I understand where he is coming from id be pissed to but can't change it now but like I said gonna get straitened out one way or another

polishmafia 06-19-2014 09:46 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

Originally Posted by golden763 (Post 446235)
Got back to him today now that I had a minute

I'm really glad you found a minute in your day to get back to him. Its not like he could call the car in as stolen and you could be facing grand theft auto charges.

If you really cared about this situation, you would keep in contact with the owner every fucking second of the day. I have the feeling that you don't think this is a serious situation.

If it were me, I would have called the police, filed a report and contacted my lawyer by now. It wouldn't matter the monetary cost. I would fuck you over out of spite.

jeremy1375 06-19-2014 09:54 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

Originally Posted by golden763 (Post 446237)
The car is at my g mas house and I'm staying at my other g mas in Anoka or I would have no problem sending a picture and I understand where he is coming from id be pissed to but can't change it now but like I said gonna get straitened out one way or another

I hope you guy's can work things out.

If not, I am willing to help out with a repossession. Portum89 you can PM me and I'll do what I can to help you out. I'm familiar with some eviction laws so it shouldn't be hard to get up to speed on repo laws.

dsmreck 06-19-2014 10:24 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
^ wtf repossession i'd have made that ass sit in jail for this shit if I was him, but thank god i'll never give my car away like this.

jeremy1375 06-19-2014 10:29 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
^ I'm not saying Mr. Golden shouldn't be in jail. But, falsifying a police report?! Why take that chance? Then he's [portum89] out his car AND in legal trouble. The car wasn't stolen, there was an agreement and the buyer breached it. Based on everyones idea of filing it as stolen, that same logic would allow Visa to have you arrested for stealing their money if you didn't pay the bill!

polishmafia 06-19-2014 11:14 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

Originally Posted by jeremy1375 (Post 446243)
^ I'm not saying Mr. Golden shouldn't be in jail. But, falsifying a police report?! Why take that chance? Then he's [portum89] out his car AND in legal trouble. The car wasn't stolen, there was an agreement and the buyer breached it. Based on everyones idea of filing it as stolen, that same logic would allow Visa to have you arrested for stealing their money if you didn't pay the bill!

Sounds like you are swinging from Mr. Golden's nutsack. (Kinda)

The owner of the car has the title. He can not confirm where the car is currently. Mr. Golden saying there was a "verbal agreement" and the owner of the car reporting the car as stolen... Shit, even Judge Judy would see through this bullshit.

And if you knew the law, and your "logic", Visa does not have you agree to a verbal contract. "Hey Visa, can I have $10,000?" I'm pretty sure they don't just say "ok".

So act according to the law, help out the owner of the car get his items back like you said you would, and other than that don't say shit that could get you called as a witness in a court of law.

jeremy1375 06-20-2014 12:01 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
Judge Judy deals in civil issues. You are talking about a criminal act. The burden of proof is not the same. You're talking a big game and you've got zero skin in the game. All golden has to do is show communication between himself and the seller and the issue about it being stolen is dead. Any text, voicemail, online communication would be evidence. It's very heartwarming to see how you're willing to risk him perjuring himself so you can be right. Mob mentality is currently in force on the issue.


Originally Posted by portum89 (Post 446069)
I did try reporting it stolen at the maple grove police office, due to the fact that we had a verbal agreement it couldnt be reported as stolen and had to go through civil court. What i will do then is call the cambridge police, report it stolen and not give any details on the agreement. The thing is that the car is most likely parted out by now with the engine torn, the guy has my set of eagle rods n weisco pistons, bearings, polished crank etc...has all my stuff...if i get the car im sure i wont get it with the engine parts or engine alone.

jeremy1375 06-20-2014 12:57 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

portum89 06-20-2014 01:10 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
Thanks for the replies and indeed im not so sure about telling the cops a different story. Unfortunately there was an agreement made, i admit to my mistake of not following through before. Its my mistake for letting the car go just like that. But also i have never experienced a similar situation before, not from style. Tyler agreed that by tomorrow he would have a big lump sum, or my car and parts ready to take. Whatever its said tomorrow will be final, if nothing is said i will personally go get my stuff and whatever i can find of my parts, then take legal action. Its in his best interest to cooperate, he knows it before its too late. I will stay posted, thanks again.

dsmreck 06-20-2014 09:09 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
Jeremy and golden would be a deadly combo. Theif and the lawer who drives a 90. Playing the hmmm idk maybe I should roll over game is over. Time for action before this poor kid who still thinks everyone out there is a good persons car is completely fucked from his life.

dsmreck 06-20-2014 09:11 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
Portum you have 20 people telling you the same thing and one guy batting for do nothing. How much advise is needed? Post this to a bigger forum and see what the response is.

Halon 06-20-2014 09:36 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

Originally Posted by jeremy1375 (Post 446246)
Judge Judy deals in civil issues. You are talking about a criminal act. The burden of proof is not the same. You're talking a big game and you've got zero skin in the game. All golden has to do is show communication between himself and the seller and the issue about it being stolen is dead. Any text, voicemail, online communication would be evidence. It's very heartwarming to see how you're willing to risk him perjuring himself so you can be right. Mob mentality is currently in force on the issue.

So you're recognizing this verbal agreement. So, is that agreement not a two way street? Why does it sound like you're saying the one who did not fulfill his half of the agreement is protected? Not fulfilling his portion, how is that not stealing? Makes no sense to me. If I go buy a TV, act like I have full intentions of paying for it, but write a check that bounces 2 days later after I already brought the TV home. That's not stealing? I can just keep on living my life and never expect police to show up at my door?

dsmreck 06-20-2014 11:05 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
^ settle down halon some people lack common sence and giving them perfectly acceptable explainations or annologies is no way to treat them

Halon 06-20-2014 11:09 AM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

jeremy1375 06-20-2014 12:27 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

Originally Posted by Halon (Post 446251)
So you're recognizing this verbal agreement. So, is that agreement not a two way street? Why does it sound like you're saying the one who did not fulfill his half of the agreement is protected? Not fulfilling his portion, how is that not stealing? Makes no sense to me. If I go buy a TV, act like I have full intentions of paying for it, but write a check that bounces 2 days later after I already brought the TV home. That's not stealing? I can just keep on living my life and never expect police to show up at my door?

If the police recognize the verbal agreement, why shouldn't I? They are the ones enforcing the issue. They are the ones who could arrest portum89 for falsifying a police report. Do you not understand that he would have to lie to report it stolen?

It would be a shame if portum89 reported it stolen, got in trouble for falsifying a police report, and golden763 suffered no consequences. That is the situation I don't want to see happen.

As far as golden763, he could crash into a wall and die a fiery death and I'd feel like he got what was coming to him. No matter what I or anyone else feels about him, the legal facts are what they are.

jeremy1375 06-20-2014 12:46 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

Originally Posted by dsmreck (Post 446249)
Jeremy and golden would be a deadly combo. Theif and the lawer who drives a 90. Playing the hmmm idk maybe I should roll over game is over. Time for action before this poor kid who still thinks everyone out there is a good persons car is completely fucked from his life.

I'm not a lawyer. I offered to help him repossess. You are offering armchair advice that could get him in trouble.

Halon 06-20-2014 01:23 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?

Originally Posted by jeremy1375 (Post 446259)
If the police recognize the verbal agreement, why shouldn't I? They are the ones enforcing the issue. They are the ones who could arrest portum89 for falsifying a police report. Do you not understand that he would have to lie to report it stolen?

It would be a shame if portum89 reported it stolen, got in trouble for falsifying a police report, and golden763 suffered no consequences. That is the situation I don't want to see happen.

As far as golden763, he could crash into a wall and die a fiery death and I'd feel like he got what was coming to him. No matter what I or anyone else feels about him, the legal facts are what they are.

Relax dude! It was as simple question, and you completely dodged it and are getting defensive. I'm not a lawyer, you seem more versed in legal jargon, so I'm just asking here, not making a statement or attacking you. So I'll try again.

I never suggested falsifying a police report (others may have but not me), so we can just put that item to rest. All I said is to report it stolen. I never suggested to withhold or hide details, or lie to them them when you call it in stolen. Give them the details. To me, whether you recognize the agreement or not, this is still stolen.

I never told you not to recognize the agreement, all I'm trying to say is if the agreement is recognizable (by you, the cops, the virgin mary), then why does it sound like your saying the only person responsible for this agreement is Portam, why isn't the entire agreement recognized? There's two people involved in this agreement, both of which had obligations, right? The agreement wasn't "Golden you get the car, period". It was probably more like "Golden you get the car, Portam you get money, deal". So why does it sound like you're saying Golden is off the hook simply because an agreement was made? He never fulfilled his part of the agreement, doesn't that matter? Does this verbal agreement just gives him until the end of eternity to fulfill his half? Portam gave him the car (he fulfilled his half). Golden hasn't paid him in over a year now (violation of his half). That is stolen. No different than if you agreed to sell me a turbo, I show up, write you a bad check and leave with the turbo, and I just ignore you for a year. Is that not stealing?

The question is, Golden never fulfilled his part of the agreement, he now has possesion of car that he never paid for, and doesn't have the title to. HOW IS THIS NOT STOLEN?

jeremy1375 06-20-2014 03:06 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
In your last post, you mentioned using a bad check and that is a completely different issue that doen't apply here.

I'll do my best to explain. If I were to go to a store and walk out with a tv and not stop at the register or make any agreement with any store personnel, I would be stealing the tv. I never legally possessed it and that is a crime.

On the other hand, if I go into a store and they offer me payment plan and we agree on it, then I walk out of the store with the tv, I've legally taken possession of the tv. I still haven't paid for it, but I've legally taken possession. At this point, the laws that govern the transaction are contractual and a civil matter. If I don't pay them, they can call me, sent my account to collections, and do all sorts of other things, but I'd be guilty of no criminal offense. The worst that could happen is a judge in a civil court could order me to give the tv back and pay some fees. But, it's up to the store to initiate that transaction with the courts. The police aren't involved in the issue.

In the case of vehicles, at least there are repo laws to get the vehicle back without going to court.

Does this explanation help to distinguish things?

portum89 06-20-2014 04:33 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
I tried reporting it stolen already. What the police officer said due to my situation it was a civil manner therefore not considered stolen. I can try again at the local police station in cambridge tomorrow if tonight nothing is settled. Will stay posted.

blackawdtsi 06-20-2014 07:17 PM

Re: Golden763 - BAD GUY!! any info on user?
I have experience with trying to enforce verbal agreements and even court orders.

Police do not want to and will not get involved in civil issues.

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