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scheides 02-04-2009 01:57 PM

NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
That's right! Ban your friends or foes or random schmoes for just $1 per day. Proceeds will go into a prize for a to be given away at events.

Here's the rules:

1. This program has been requested by members and should be done in fun. As soon as it becomes un-fun it ends.

2. $1 donation bans a member of your choice for a day, or $5 for a week. That's right... for just a buck a day you can dis and dismiss that one true love of yours that can't post up to your standards right off the site. No Sponsors, Mods, or Admins can be banned.

3. There will be a one week grace period between bans. I feel bad for the suckers with the 10+ day bans

4. Banned members will have access to still view the fourms but not post, shout in the shoutbox, use the private message feature, and play in the arcade.

5. Those that have been banned are NOT allowed to create new accounts. They will be deleted. And then those temp bans become permentant. If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't post the dumb shit you do.

6. If you are banned, you cannot ban someone else. You must bide your time and strike when they least expect it!

7. No month-long bans. Please be reasonable, refer to rule #1!


8. For an extra $1 per day, you can ban someone from the shoutbox as well. So, $2/day or $10/week gives them view-only status on the whole site.

9. IF YOU'VE BEEN PAYBANNED and you feel there is something you MUST post about, you can buy your way out of banning. $2/day or $10/week. The time comes off the END of your payban sentence, so if you're banned for a week do NOT think you can buy your way back on for just one day then carry out the rest of your banned period. If you're buying your way out of a shoutbox ban, please add $1/day :D

10. In a generous move on Kracka's part he's decided to allow himself to be pay-banned for $5/day. He will retain all mod abilities so don't think you can go run-a-muck ;) Let the pay-banning begin!

Simply paypal cash to and include the EXACT username of the person you'd like to ban. I will be posting who banned who just to keep it fun. ;)


scheides 02-04-2009 02:21 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Get your paybans in now!

scheides 03-24-2009 10:55 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
polishmafia paybanned Swifty1638 for 1 week, including shoutbox privs!

scheides 04-03-2009 07:50 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!

"This is Kevin_1g_Drummer and I wanna payban lucasoil4u for being a douchebag, and bumping old threads."

scheides 04-08-2009 12:00 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Dundars was paybanned for 7 days by goodhart for "constantly making stupid and generally unproductive posts"

goodhart 04-08-2009 07:26 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Wow real classy, here's the shoutbox this morning

[43 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM] Dundars: thats for sure
[43 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM] Dundars: this site is homo elite
[43 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM] Dundars: i was goin to make
[43 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM] Dundars: i had a great thread
[43 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM] Dundars: you fuckin fag
[43 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM] Dundars: fuck you goodhart

scheides 04-08-2009 08:03 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
[47 Minutes Ago 07:15 AM] Kracka: and was just given an extra week by me for the shoutbox comments

LOL enjoy your vacay Dundars!

Matt D. 04-08-2009 11:02 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
I love this gay homosexual site.

Swifty1638 04-10-2009 11:42 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
me too..anyone care for a reach-around?

scheides 04-13-2009 01:10 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Holy PayBan Batman!


Please payban the following for one day...

"for making it a gay homosexual site"

LOL! Hello retaliation here we come!

mdost03 04-13-2009 01:19 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Wow, pwned!!

polishmafia 04-13-2009 01:20 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
We just witnessed an epic payban! LOL

niterydr 04-13-2009 02:31 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Sweet, not on the epic list!

Kevin 1G Drummer 04-13-2009 04:06 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Holy crap! That's awesome! haha Glad I wasn't on the list.

Matt D. 04-13-2009 10:20 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Zac is my hero. If I could grant him immunity I would.

Kracka 04-14-2009 06:41 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
He can buy his immunity with the new pay-ban rules :D

scheides 04-15-2009 07:39 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
GREASEMONKEY paybanned hellomynameis "because its his b-day and he took out 21 people the other day :hah:"

(math fail LOL)

scheides 04-15-2009 11:25 AM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
RLFebo added an extra day on for ya banmaster! ;)

Kracka 04-15-2009 12:44 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
Hate to say it, but...


Originally Posted by scheides (Post 286375)
RLFebo added an extra day on for ya banmaster! ;)


Originally Posted by scheides (Post 275962)
3. There will be a one week grace period between bans.


I vote we abolish this rule, or at least make the grace period the term of the ban i.e. 1 day in this case :D

asshanson 04-15-2009 12:56 PM

Re: NEW Ban-A-Member Rules!
But if they had pooled the money 2 consecutive days would have been ok? I knew Febo was going to ban him today anyway. Maybe that rule should be on a case by case basis. If it gets excessive then allow a grace period, just a thought. But the grace period matching the ban would be funny. Zac could be banned every other day for a couple weeks, lol.

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