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AJ 12-17-2004 02:26 PM

10 Commandments for Guys
Written by some bitch named Meghan Mopandglow. What kind of a fucking name is that anyway? Here is what she has to say :

Okay, first I would like to address the fact that it's not the girls who suck, it's you guys. Ya'll are the ones with the problem. You're nice for the first few dates, but when we screw you, you dump us because we're considered a slut. And no guy wants a slut for a girlfriend. Or, we decide not to sleep with you and we get dumped anyway. That's all you guys are looking for--a piece of ass. And we're the losers? I don't think so! By the way, we're not stupid, either. It's a known fact that girls are smarter than guys, and don't try to argue with me about this; I'm right, always have been and always will be. So here's my advice for you guys....

I. Always BE the nice guy, and we would never have to overlook you. No matter how hot you are, if you're an ass, we're eventually going to run to your best friend, who IS the nice guy. And that's going to suck for you. John Bobbit was an asshole and look what happened to him.

II. I don't care how many nutrients you say there are in your man juice, I'm not swallowing that shit! How about you take up some yoga classes and learn how your own semen slurpy tastes? Until then, I will continue to spit it anywhere I please.

III. Show us some affection. You may think that a, "Hi, babe," and a quick kiss will suffice for the rest of the day. It won't!! Perhaps me french kissing your best friend would be as good as a friendly hello. We need to feel loved. Hold our hand. Tell us how beautiful we are. Follow my advice, and the rewards will be plentiful.

IV. Always put the seat down. Because you know you can't handle the bitching. So stop our bitching before it even starts. We also really don't care if you watch porn because we know you can't get a woman that hot in real life anyway.

V. Let us pay once in a while. Your cock may feel bigger telling us to put our money away, but our respect for you will increase if you let us buy dinner every once in a while. Besides, that will show us how manly you really are.

VI. YOU need to supply the "protection." You have the pockets. You think about sex every six seconds. Besides, do you honestly think we carry that shit in our purse? What would happen if our purse fell over right in front of our father? You wouldn't need protection ever again I guarantee it--our father would slice your tinkie winkie off!!

VII. Open the door for us. It's not that hard. Plus, other girls will notice and tell their boyfriend's how sweet you are. And that should REALLY make you feel big.

IIX. Don't play games with us. We're extremely sensitive people. Say what you mean and mean what you say. And if you don't, I can just tell my dad. The only problem he would have is where to hide the body.

IX. Don't complain about how long it takes us to get ready. We need to feel beautiful about 95% of the time. So if it takes us an extra 20 minutes to get our eyeliner totally perfect, then dammit, deal with it!!

X. Nibble gently. We don't like marks.

AJ 12-17-2004 02:27 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
My reply : Hey Meghan, Go fuck yourself. Swallow that.

TheBlizzard 12-17-2004 02:39 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
Ha ha. My reply: Hey Meghan? Them are the nicest teeth I have ever came across. LOL. Dumb bitch.


GSXMatt 12-17-2004 05:01 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
Someone should have her "Taken Care Of."

The world would be a better place.

Goat Blower 12-17-2004 05:08 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
Haha, the single guys speak. Once you're married, these make a little more sense, living together doesn't quite count. :D

Shotgun! 12-17-2004 05:16 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
This crap sounds simple enough. But I must say, nice guys are looked over, always.

x1genx 12-17-2004 07:27 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
I agree with commandment 5 because it means more money for that fmic kit i need to get.

1slowdsm 12-17-2004 07:49 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys

Originally Posted by x1genx
I agree with commandment 5 because it means more money for that fmic kit i need to get.

Hahaha...thats a funny one.

IndiEP 12-17-2004 08:52 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
No kidding, If some chick wants to pay/buy me stuff I'm not gonna stop her!

Super Bleeder!! 12-17-2004 10:29 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
that biatch needs a good curb stompin. just the way she phrases things gets me angry!!

Mojo Jojo 01-19-2006 11:12 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
Original Article found at

Kracka 01-19-2006 11:33 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
That just shows how fucked up girls really are! Sorry bitches, none of you really are princesses! A few of those do make a lot of sense though, she just works stuff so poorly. Reid is right though, the "nice guy" always get the play. I've been the nice guy and the ass, being an ass practically guarantees women will follow. Although one of the girls I was an ass to ended up running to my best friend :) I agree completely with #7, that exact thing has happened to be so many times (I almost always open doors).

Black97civic 01-20-2006 01:13 AM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys

Originally Posted by S2kracka
I agree completely with #7, that exact thing has happened to be so many times (I almost always open doors).

One time my friend went out with a girl and he opened doors for her. You know why he didn't get a second date??

"When he opened those doors for me, I was thinking, I can do it for myself, I'm not a baby!!"

We can't win guys, just get one drunk enough and marry her that night, otherwise its an uphill battle for the rest of your life.

tim 01-20-2006 01:42 AM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys

Originally Posted by Grey Wulf
This crap sounds simple enough. But I must say, nice guys are looked over, always.

You are 100% correct. The nice guy always gets the shaft.

This girl sounds like a real lesbo that has not come out yet.

stikx 01-20-2006 03:20 AM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys

Originally Posted by Blue89Quest
One time my friend went out with a girl and he opened doors for her. You know why he didn't get a second date??

"When he opened those doors for me, I was thinking, I can do it for myself, I'm not a baby!!"

We can't win guys, just get one drunk enough and marry her that night, otherwise its an uphill battle for the rest of your life.

Preach on brother!

Steeltwo 01-20-2006 09:46 AM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
this bitch isn't serious

let me explain.

#1. women want a prick, but they want a prick that will occasionally be nice to them. The nicer I am to my g/f, the worse I get treated. If I do not answer my phone when she calls for a day. The next day i'll get booty. this theory is 100% effective in the real world applications.
#2. i don't care, a hummer is a hummer. that nutbomb is my gift to you, do with it as your please.
#3. stop being so clingy, this world isn't just about you.
#4. if you bitch about putting the seat down, then you are a anal bittie and do not deserve any mans time. Something so small and stupid should not matter. This is why megan here only gets to slam clams.
#5. hahahahahahaahah, STFU. your eyes are a nice shade of SHIT brown.
#6. can't argue to be honest
#7. no arguments once again, but do not expect us to open doors if you aren't putting out. You pay for that privledge.
#8. I wonder if this dumb hooker knows it's VIII and not IIX? Apparently not. anyway. This is the pot calling the kettle black in the clearest of ways.
#9. could care less to be honest how long it takes. Just do not tell me to be there at 7 and when i get there you are still drying your hair.
#10. the thought of this and this nappie skank makes me vomit in my mouth a little bit.

Kracka 01-20-2006 10:04 AM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys
#10: Fuck you, most chicks, including you, won't admit it but they love being choked and having their head slamming aginast the wall.

1slowdsm 01-20-2006 11:37 AM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys

Originally Posted by DSMStyle
And if you don't, I can just tell my dad. The only problem he would have is where to hide the body.

Fuck. Who'd want a freak like that! No wonder she's all pissed off about guys-->no one wants her, because they dont wanna die yet.
Being the "nice" guy and being an "ass" didnt work for me either and that was in one relationship. Some girls are way too picky in some cases. Some want a lot, but ask for little and want you to solve the near impossible puzzle of what they want. In my experience.

slowbubblecar 01-20-2006 01:06 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys

Originally Posted by Mojo Jojo
Original Article found at

Must have had a lot of time on your hands to pull this one up.

IneedaGSX 01-20-2006 01:38 PM

Re: 10 Commandments for Guys

Originally Posted by 1slowdsm
Some girls are way too picky in some cases. Some want a lot, but ask for little and want you to solve the near impossible puzzle of what they want. In my experience.

I agree.

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