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Old 11-17-2009   #34
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Re: Conflict resolution Part 2

I bought my last dsm pretty cheap, but $400 isn't shit. These cars are OLD does that not register with some people?
Alpha:you bought a car, without driving it, and not knowing enough coming into it. Stephen (no offense), is by no means a dsm expert, and from my experience, doesn't act that way. It's vehicle maintenence, and you are in no way entitled money back for the maintenence done, because you now own the car, and are financially responsible for repairs. If it was a car that you drove home, had for a day after a test drive, was told it was in great working order, then these problems happen, then I'd be upset. But that's not the case, you bought a none driving dsm, tough luck.

Chim:at least youre working things out.
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