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Old 10-24-2010   #75
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Plymouth...The one in MN
Posts: 19
Re: jhaan_dude is a good guy *edit* BAD GUY!

I respect what you are saying Matt, however I must say that the numbers seem skewed a little, if you actually take account of how many turbos that man has sold vs. the numbers that have broke vs. the number of turbos that he fixed I think you will see that he is like any business. happy customers and unhappy customers.

Most of the his customers don't weigh in with emotional posts about how they were screwed, most of the people are driving around, not posting on the internet.

No offense but he seems like a great guy, just a little messed up in the head. He is the ONLY one of you who is actually stepping up to the local tuning community helping us out get cheaper turbos and give us much more support then MAP has ever given to its customers, MAP wouldn't come out to my house at night, rebuild a turbo that I messed up, port my oil filter housing so I didn't flow more then 80PSI to my turbo.

I would have to say half of his "Bad" turbos are messed up from improper installs.

I don't care if you ban me, but at least I can weigh in on this.
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