Thread: Noob questions
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Old 02-12-2012   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Noob questions

The time has come for me to start doing some minor modding. I've got a couple questions on several different parts. Mostly looking for recommendations and confirming that the information on the interwebs is correct.

Intercooler: I know the OEM Evo X intercooler will swap out 1:1 with the RA, and I can get it super cheap through work. Is this simple enough for me to do on my own? Mind you I have 0 experience with a car engine beyond changing oil and spark plugs.

Blow off: Same question about this one too. I can get the Evo X BOV cheap, but can a total noob install one? I don't want an aftermarket BOV that vents and make an obnoxious hiss.

Exhaust: I'm looking for something that'll give me a lower-middle range tones, and not so much high pitched. I've been looking at videos and it seems like Borla and Magnaflow are going to give me that sound. However, Magnaflow's site only looks like they have one for Evo X. Will this fit the RA with out any additional work? Borla has one specifically for the RA.

Test Pipe: I know it's technically illegal, but is anyone really going to freak'n know? We don't have emissions tests here.

Tuning: Is this a must to get the best effect out of the above mods?

Thanks guys!
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