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Old 08-22-2012   #17
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Re: Obamacare, Opinions?

Originally Posted by JET View Post
The problem with most of these studies is that they have an agenda no matter who is doing them. The welfare and food stamp systems are quite flawed as well. I see people getting steaks and frozen pizza's with food stamps. Give these people the basics to survive! Flour, bread, cheese, milk, hamburger, etc. If you want to get fancy or lazy, then it is on you. This is just common sense stuff that is blatantly obvious.

As far as welfare, there are generations of people out there that are perfectly content on welfare and have no intentions of getting a job. Some try to get pregnant and have more kids just so they get more welfare then don't spend squat on the kids. It is a horrible system right now with no motivation to get out of the system.

In a company you have the motivation to make your company as profitable as possible, this gives them more money to spend on you! There is none of that when working with the government as you know you will never see any of it. There is also the opposite effect, if you don't spend every penny in your budget you know they will lower your budget for next year. This leads to people buying crap they don't need just so their budget isn't lower next year. It just makes me depressed thinking about how much money is wasted and how much better the country would be if that money was used properly!
My wifes mother was on food stamps at one point, and it wasnt anything like you are describing, she felt embarrassed and was fortunate enough to get back on her feet. She was very health conscious and the food items that were available to her at the time were not steaks and high end healthy foods, she made the choice to try and get the best foods she could to keep her children healthy. (you arent suggesting that the government step in and tell people what to eat, and what to buy, are you? because that would not be very conservative) Regardless, the people you speak of, being the lazy stereotypical welfare/food stamp recipient, is not typical of the people on these programs. to actually believe that someone strives to be on welfare/food stamps is ridiculous, and few and far between. There is no reason to cut off the head to spite the face. These programs do much more good to families that have not been fortunate enough to gain a high paying or are struggling to make ends meet and keep their family alive. They dont sit in lavish condos while receiving these benefits. All they want to do is feed their family. This government is not china, where we arent going to tell you how many children you can and cannot have. (that would be considered communism, and big govt).

To the last paragraph, government waste is definitely an issue here, i will totally agree with you there. But the programs to cut are not those that help our struggling Americans here. Cut War spending, Cut spending on the $400 toilet seats etc. But Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps, School lunch programs, are all domestic funding where the money stays here and is not for things that blow up. Every time i see a missile launch and go boom, i dont see fire... i see dollar bills floating into the air.
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